La familia Malory esta reunida en Haverston para pasar las navidades y una manana aparece un regalo para la familia pero no se sabe quien lo envia. La familia al completo esta intrigadisima por saber que es, pero hasta Navidad no se puede abrir. Una noche casi todos los miembros de la familia tienen la misma idea, abrir el regalo y desvelar el misterio. Es Amy la encargada de abrirlo y resulta ser un diario de una antepasada suya, Anastasia Malory, en el que cuenta como conocio a su marido y se caso con el. / As the entire Malory family gathers at Haverston to celebrate the season, a mysterious present arrives anonymously. The gift is an old journal -- a tender and tempestuous account of the love affair between the second Marquis, Christopher Malory, and a dark gypsy beauty named Anastasia, who seeks a love match with a non-gypsy in order to save herself from a prearranged marriage to a brute. Though the dashing English lord Anastasia sets her sight upon burns for the exquisite, exotic miss, Christopher could never consent to wed such a lowborn lady. But miracles have been known to happen in this season of peace and giving and love, as two extraordinary people seperated by cicumstance of birth begin a passionate dance of will and wiles. And in the miraculous blossoming of a glorious romance at a long ago Christmastime, there are wise and well-learned lessons that will enrich the hearts of the Malory descendants -- and, indeed, of everyone who has ever dreamed.