Derrotado definitivamente su peor enemigo de otros tiempos, Eblus se aburre. Ni siquiera sus amigos, los tres vampiros de Oriente, logran desentumecerlo. Ya no siente la misma pasion que antes por los viajes, el arte y los libros antiguos. Incluso se ha cansado de cobrarse almas humanas. Ahora que lo tiene todo, desea lo unico que no puede poseer: a Natalia. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Finally having defeated his worst enemy, Eblus gets bored. Not even his friends, the three East vampires, can get him out of his slump. He no longer feels the same passion as before for travel, art or antique books. Hes even tired of collecting human souls. Now that he has it all, he wants what he cannot have: Natalia.